Welcome to a new weekly tips section for growing your business!
The ideas each week will ultimately revolve around four basic insights about growing a business. You can:
- Increase the number of customers
- Increase the number of times each one does business with you
- Increase the average value of each transaction
- Increase your own effectiveness and efficiency
Here are some other business principles that we will explore later:
- What you can measure you can manage
- Build in unique core differentiators and focus on them constantly – it’s more important to be different than it is to be better
- Cutting the price is always an option but there is usually a better way – increasing value
- Break compromises and lower the barriers to people doing business with you
- Systemise every aspect of your business
- Empower your team to make it right for every customer*
- Create a clear and detailed action plan
* We have chosen to use the term customer throughout, while recognising that many professional businesses may prefer the term client. We use the terms synonymously.