What your customers say about you is infinitely more persuasive to a prospect than anything you could possibly say about yourself, hence the popularity of websites such as tripadvisor.co.uk and yelp.co.uk.
Many customers are pleased to provide a testimonial if you make it easy for them. When a customer compliments you on your product or service (usually at the point of delivery), respond accordingly:
“Thank you for your comments. We would really appreciate a written testimonial from you. May I draft something up for you to review and send back to us?”
Then consider all the ways you can use these testimonials:
- Put them on your website
- Put copies in a binder and keep it in your reception area
- Include them in your various marketing communications
- Have the original testimonial letters individually framed – hang them throughout the office
- Include pictures of your customers – they will make the testimonial letters even more effective