Individual name *
Charity name *
Email address *
What is you year end date?*
What bookkeeping system do you use?*
GA Spreadsheet KashFlow Xero Sage Quickbooks Free Agent Own Spreadsheets Other: Specify in comments box below
Is your bookkeeping complete up to the year end? *
Yes No
Please provide a description of your charitable objectives *
Does your charity have any trading activity? (selling goods or services) *
Yes No
If yes, please confirm the date your charity started trading
Has your charity ceased trading?*
Yes No
If yes, please confirm the date you ceased trading
Please confirm that in your opinion the charity is a going concern. This means that you expect the charity to continue to operate. You should consider this for the period of at least one year from the date the accounts are signed.*
Yes No
Do all bank accounts in your bookkeeping agree to actual bank statements? *
Yes No
Does the charity have any of the following bank accounts? If yes, please send us the statements for the year
Current account*
Yes No
Savings account*
Yes No
Credit card*
Yes No
Yes No
Did the charity have any petty cash in hand at the year end?*
Yes No
If yes, please confirm the amount
Did the charity have a loan or overdraft at the year end?*
Yes No
Have you reviewed the debtors or other amounts owed to you in your bookkeeping and confirm they are correct?*
Yes No
Are there any bad debts?*
Yes No
Do you have any other assets such as rent deposits?*
Yes No
Are there any restricted funds at the year end?*
Yes No Not sure
Are there any designated funds at the year end?*
Yes No Not sure
Have you reviewed the creditors and other amounts owed out in your bookkeeping and confirm they are correct?*
Yes No
Did you receive any purchase invoices after the year end which relate to services or goods bought during the accounts year?*
Yes No Not sure
Was there any expenditure paid in advance of usage at the year end, for example rent or insurance paid in advance?*
Yes No Not sure
Do you have any income that is not included in your bookkeeping?*
Yes No
If you receive grants, do any have repayment terms?
Yes No
Is your entity VAT registered?*
Yes No
If yes, do Green Accountancy prepare your VAT returns?
Yes No
If yes, are your VAT returns prepared on a cash or invoice basis?
Cash Invoice Not sure
If yes, and you prepare your VAT returns under the flat rate scheme, please confirm the percentage you use
Do you have any long term liabilities (more then one year)?*
Yes No
Does anyone intend to charge interest on any loans they have made to the charity?*
Yes No Not sure No loans
Have any goods been taken out of the charity for private use?*
Yes No
Are there any contra items (goods or services exchanged with no cash involved) or barter transactions (goods or services supplied in return for consideration other than money)?*
Yes No
Does the charity have any inter company balances or management charges to other entities?*
Yes No
During the year, was any trustee paid by the charity (other than trivial expenses)?*
Yes No No shareholders
Please confirm whether the charity had any of the following insurances during the year*
Employer's liability
Yes No
Public liability
Yes No
Professional indemnity
Yes No
Yes No
Has the charity received or expects to receive any compensation or insurance claims relating to this year’s activities?
Yes No
Please confirm the fixed asset register in your bookkeeping is up to date
Yes No
Please confirm if any fixed assets have been disposed of during the year
Yes No
Did the charity hold any stock at the year end?
Yes No
Is your entity PAYE registered?*
Yes No
If yes, does Green Accountancy prepare your payroll?
Yes No
If yes, did you employ any students during the year?
Yes No
Please confirm if the charity made any pension contributions during the year*
Yes No
Are any provisions required in the accounts (a liability of uncertain timing or size)?*
Yes No
Have any major events occurred within the charity since the year end passed?*
Yes No
Please confirm that any travel or subsistence expenses paid are solely charity related and does not involve commuting*
Yes No
Are any use of home as office claims to be made by anyone for the year?*
Yes No
Are any mileage claims to be made for the year?*
Yes No
Do you have any commitments to continue paying rent or equipment costs in future years?*
Yes No
Additional Comments including further details on any questions above