01865 582064 | team@greenaccountancy.com | Book an appointment
Required fields are marked with *
Company name *
Individual name *
Email address *
Please confirm your regular monthly payment date for salaries (e.g. “last day of month” or “20th of month” etc)*
Are you part of a group of companies (i.e. your company is owned by another company or your company owns another company)*
Does the person (or people) that own your company also own any other companies that are operating a PAYE scheme?*
Is more than half your work for, or in, the public sector (eg for local councils or providing NHS services)?*
Are you registered for the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)?
Additional Comments including further details on any questions above that are answered "yes"
Did the company provide any staff entertainment? *
Did the company pay any mileage in excess of allowed rates (45p per mile first 10,000 miles, 25p thereafter)? *
Did the company pay for fuel for either a company or personal car? *
Did the company provide any employees or directors with a car, van, pick up or other vehicle? *
Did the company loan any employees or directors any money and not charge interest? *
Did the company pay for any medical treatment or private medical insurance (such as BUPA)? *
Were assets, such as cars, PDA's, Blackberries, computers or other goods given to or sold to any employees or directors? (This does not include 1 ordinary mobile phone per director/employee). *
Were personal payments made by the company on behalf of any employees or directors? E.g. school fees, membership fees of non-business clubs, personal telephone. *
Did the company provide a credit card for any employees or directors to use or pay their own credit card bill? *
Has living accommodation been provided by the company? *
Did the company pay towards expenses for moving house? *
Did the company provide any services to anyone associated with the company free of charge or at a reduced rate? *
Did the company lend any assets, e.g. computers, motorbikes for personal use to employees or directors? *
Did the company give any shares to any employees or directors? *
Did the company pay towards business subscriptions or professional fees? *
Did the company provide any other items to, or pay on behalf of, anybody connected to the company? *